Level 351 | The only amusing part of the body. What am I? |  |
Level 352 | I am the home for feathery animals. What am I? |  |
Level 353 | I am the state when a person is holding a person inside. What am I? |  |
Level 354 | When you are inside me, you will be encouraged to slam other cars. What am I? |  |
Level 355 | I make a living following the wealthy and beautiful. What am I? |  |
Level 356 | I am expelled from you orally with a sound. What am I? |  |
Level 357 | Find me on body builders or in the drink aisle. What am I? |  |
Level 358 | I am the best thing that can happen after a stick hits a ball. What am I? |  |
Level 359 | I stink up your breath and fights evil vampires. What am I? |  |
Level 360 | I am commonly abbreviated to H. What am I? |  |
Level 361 | I am the minerals vital for your good health. What am I? |  |
Level 362 | I am owned by Old McDonald. What am I? |  |
Level 363 | I am shared by goats, devils, and unicorns. What am I? |  |
Level 364 | I let water fall on you while everyone else stays dry. What am I? |  |
Level 365 | I am a Caribbean shape that makes ships disappear. What am I? |  |
Level 366 | Rub me and a genie might appear. What am I? |  |
Level 367 | Makeup for finger tips. What am I? |  |
Level 368 | I direct you from outer space. What am I? |  |
Level 369 | I transfer oxygen from the atmosphere to your blood. What am I? |  |
Level 370 | I am the reaction after enjoying soda. What am I? |  |
Level 371 | Use me to reward good behaviour. What am I? |  |
Level 372 | I cause involuntary movements in your vehicle. What am I? |  |
Level 373 | I am a person who pretends to be someone else. What am I? |  |
Level 374 | I am a lunch money thief. What am I? |  |
Level 375 | Although it sounds like I work on a transportation device, I actually work in a restaurant. What am I? |  |
Level 376 | A move made popular by the King of Pop. What am I? |  |
Level 377 | Use me if you really want to see inside someone. What am I? |  |
Level 378 | I am a mini solar powered computer. What am I? |  |
Level 379 | I can be entertaining until you realise some pieces have been lost. What am I? |  |
Level 380 | I am an activity involving pins flying in the air. What am I? |  |
Level 381 | Turkey day. What am I? |  |
Level 382 | There are four of us, but it seems like everyone loves spades the most. What am I? |  |
Level 383 | I am a shower that lights up the sky. What am I? |  |
Level 384 | I am carried by mad animals. What am I? |  |
Level 385 | I am nature’s way of applauding lightning. What am I? |  |
Level 386 | A large oasis in the desert. Come with cash and leave with none. What am I? |  |
Level 387 | Sing me to a baby about to go to sleep. What am I? |  |
Level 388 | Digital white-out. What am I? |  |
Level 389 | 3 point goal. What am I? |  |
Level 390 | I can be heard in a court or carried with you. What am I? |  |
Level 391 | Score in end zones. What am I? |  |
Level 392 | I am rubber you can eat! What am I? |  |
Level 393 | Skirts for men. What am I? |  |
Level 394 | I help engines spin and pants stay up. What am I? |  |
Level 395 | I produce wool and spit a lot. What am I? |  |
Level 396 | Small land in water. What am I? |  |
Level 397 | I am the signature stroll of ducks and penguins. What am I? |  |
Level 398 | I am a shimmering field that reaches far. Yet I have no tracks, and am crossed without paths. What am I? |  |
Level 399 | I’m hard as a rock, and as light as a feather. I’m passed on to one another. Poor people need me, and rich people have me. What am I? |  |
Level 400 | I fly when I’m on and float coming on. What am I? |  |