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What am I? Riddles

Levels 551 to 600

Looking for What am I? Riddles cheats, hints, and solutions? Find the answers to levels 551 to 600 below in this What am I? Riddles walkthrough.
Level 551Glittering points that downward thrust. Sparkling spears that never rust. What am I?
Level 552I am a band that does not perform, sing, or act. What am I?
Level 553I fly, yet I have no wings. I cry, yet I have no eyes. Darkness follows me. Lower light I never see. What am I?
Level 554A young man wants to have me, but when he has me he no longer wants me. Blade in hand he attacks me and does his best to remove me. Yet he knows that it is all in vain. What am I?
Level 555I am higher than the king. What am I?
Level 556Curtail me thrice, I am a youth; behead me once, a snake; complete, I’m often used, in truth, when certain steps you’d take. What am I?
Level 557I run around the city, but I never move. What am I?
Level 558I am, in truth, a yellow fork from tables in the sky by inadvertent fingers dropped the awful cutlery. Of mansions never quite disclosed and never quite concealed the apparatus of the dark to ignorance revealed. What am I?
Level 559I am the kind of nut that is empty at the center and has no shell. What am I?
Level 560Though not a plant, I have leaves. Though not a beast, I have spine. Though many wouldn’t need me, I am more valuable than wine. What am I?
Level 561I say everything I hear to others around. I’m not an animal, nor part of the human race. I will, immediately, repeat after you; But only if my tail is in place. What am I?
Level 562I need to be taken from you before you can have me. What am I?
Level 563What is it that makes tears without sorrow. And takes its journey to heaven? What am I?
Level 564I go inside boots and outside shoes. What am I?
Level 565I am an English word that is as long as I am valued. What am I?
Level 566When you stop and look, you can always see me. If you try to touch, you cannot feel me. I cannot move, but as you near me, I will move away from you. What am I?
Level 567I have Eighty-eight keys but cannot open a single door. What am I?
Level 568When I live I cry, if you don’t kill me I’ll die. What am I?
Level 569Long and thin, red within, with a nail at the end. What am I?
Level 570My first is high, my second damp, my whole a tie, a writer’s cramp. What am I?
Level 571I am long and slim, works in light. Has but one eye, and an awful bite. What am I?
Level 572I’m sometimes white, but most often I’m black. I take you there, but never bring you back. What am I?
Level 573I am whole but incomplete. I have no eyes, yet I see. You can see, and see right through me. My largest part is one fourth of what I once was. What am I?
Level 574I have leaves on my fruit, my fruit is on my leaves. What am I?
Level 575Squeeze me and I cry tears as red as my flesh, but my heart is made of stone. What am I?
Level 576I’ve got a beautiful, beautiful hall all walled in red velvet, with all white armchairs made of bone, and in the middle a woman dances. What am I?
Level 577Golden treasure I contain, guarded by hundreds and thousands. Stored in a labyrinth where no man walks, Yet men come often to seize my gold. By smoke I am overcome and robbed, then left to build my treasure anew. What am I?
Level 578In the sun I like to play; in the rain I goes away; walk or run I always follow; in the mud I always wallow. What am I?
Level 579My first is a heir; My second’s a snare; my whole is the offspring of fancy; which I sent, out of play, upon Valentine’s day, As a token of love, to my Nancy. What am I?
Level 580Crooked as a rainbow, and slick as a plate, ten thousand horses can’t pull me straight. What am I?
Level 581Flat as a leaf, round as a ring. I have two yes, but can’t see a thing. What am I?
Level 582You can read me both ways, I wear; One way it’s a number, reversed a snare. What am I?
Level 583My first is in some but not in all. My second is in tiny but not in tall. My third in little but not in big. My fourth in port but not in pig. My whole is made in nature’s way. For clothing, rugs used every day. What am I?
Level 584Fatherless and motherless. I was born without sin, roared when it came into the world. But I never spoke again. What am I?
Level 585I am an animal that’s black, white, and Asian. What am I?
Level 586I can be hairy and itchy all over. I hang on a stick. I can be the scariest thing you have ever seen. I stand in the middle of nowhere. What am I?
Level 587I turn around once. What is out will not get in. I turn around again. What is in will not get out. What am I?
Level 588I am used when you jump off a bridge for fun. What am I?
Level 589Take off my skin, I won’t cry, but you will. What am I?
Level 590I have memories, but none of my own, whatever’s on my inside is what is shown. If I’m every different it’s because you changed me, I feel like a decoration, here for you to arrange me. What am I?
Level 591I am an odd number that become even when beheaded. What am I?
Level 592Late afternoons I often bathe. I’ll soak in water piping hot. My essence goes through. My see through clothes. Used up am I – I’ve gone to pot. What am I?
Level 593I move without wings, Between silken string, I leave as you find, My substance behind. What am I?
Level 594I was was, before was was was. What am I?
Level 595Draw, fire, or fill me; I’m still empty. What am I?
Level 596I fill a room but take no space. What am I?
Level 597Oh lord! I am not worthy! I bend my limbs to the ground. I cry, yet without a sound. Let me drink of waters deep. And in silence I will weep. What am I?
Level 598I have green hair, a round red head and a long thin white beard. What am I?
Level 599I am filled with garb, the price is free. Just return what you don’t need. What am I?
Level 600A single syllable do I claim, black was my most famous name; Fetal to mortals here below, thousands have I slain in a single blow. What am I?

Each level is a fun riddle, can you guess what I am?

Tons of riddles to boost up your brain power! Some simple, some hard! Some rhymes, and some will make you laugh!

If you are a word game lover, you will find this game to be quick, easy, and a lot of fun!

Now go ahead, play, & solve them all!

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